Clip ‘n Climb

The London 100 is on a continuous search for the best of the best in London, however that does mean we are constantly battling to keep our waistlines down as there are a LOT of amazingly indulgent places in this beautiful city. All of this means that we’re always on the lookout for great sporty ideas to keep us on the move, and boy does @clipnclimb_sw6 deliver.
🧗 Taking the hassle out of the experience you just get hooked into a harness and it’s literally a case of clipping in and off you go! Varying from the pretty simple ‘Jungle Gym’ to the $&*£% ridiculous ‘Triffid’ there are tons of fun climbs to try.
And then it’s time to up the stakes even more with the 3 extra options on offer which were frankly as crazy as a box of frogs:
😦 Stairway to Heaven - Embrace your inner Mario as you clamber up and up around the green pipes of death
😲 Vertical Drop Slide - Hold onto the handlebar for dear life as you are yanked up into the skies, suspended 10 feet up, before you slide back into the atmosphere
😨 Leap of Faith - Ladies and gents, this is the big one; a jump from a tiny elevated plank into nothingness as you fly through the air to grasp for the crossbar seemingly a whisper too far from you. If this doesn’t get your heart beating; nothing will.




