
Silo restaurant
Silo Dessert

London’s only zero waste restaurant.


Silo has done the impossible by having an insane mission statement of being a completely zero waste restaurant without it being gimmicky or just for the press. And in my humble opinion @silolondon has strongly cemented its place in the top 3 restaurants in London for a few years now. You can tell there is an incredible passion in the staff who are constantly evolving their menus and working with local businesses to become more sustainable.

On my last visit a manufacturer was going to have to throw away a truckload of olives so Silo took them on and integrated them into the menu. @mcmasterchef (the father of Silo) is often seen wandering down the canal picking up whatever he can find that would be tasty, quite often fig leaves for our desserts. Even the plates and cutlery have been made out of shopping bags and metal salvaged from the Thames. This restaurant is a true inspiration. Never change 😁

Tip of the day: It’s all about the wine recommendations here as the staff are incredibly knowledgeable and have impeccable taste. Oh and while you’re here have a pre-drink at Crate downstairs looking out over the canal.


Visit Us

Unit 7 Queens Yard
London E9 5EN

Tue-Fri 6pm-10pm
Sat 11am-3pm, 6pm-10pm
Sun 11am-3pm