Wild Life Drawing

📷 @wildlifedrawing

Vincent Van Doolittle.


What could be better than a few hours spent with some adorable animals while you sketch your heart out embracing your inner Monet? Dreams become reality at Wild Life Drawing where Jennie Weber has created a stunning experience for all ages and personalities. Find the animal that works for you. Book your class. And then all you need to do is turn up and have fun. All the paper, pencils, charcoal, brush pens, etc are provided for you.

It could be majestic sea turtles, super fluffy baby owls, the epicness that is alpacas, or some incredibly cute little balls of joy that are miniature piglets. The variety of possible ‘models’ is amazing. Plus everyone is welcome, our artistic skills are minimal to non-existent and it didn’t matter one bit.

Good news of the day: Wild Life Drawing are strongly connected with a bunch of animal charities ensuring that we improve the welfare of our animal buddies whenever we join one of these sessions. They work with the RSPB, the Sea Life Trust, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, the British Hen Welfare Trust, Farms not Factories, Wolf Watch UK, Wild at Heart Foundation, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, the South Essex Wildlife Hospital and the Galapagos Conservation Trust to name a few. £19k was raised just last year! 👏👏👏


Visit Us

Various locations across London

Check the website for upcoming classes