ZSL London Zoo

📷 @zsllondonzoo

The wonderful world of animals.


Do you have anywhere in your life where you go and just know will always be a happy place? For us it is London Zoo. No matter what is going on in our lives, this place will bring joy - pure and simple. The huge variety of animals that live here means that there is something for everyone to see. But we all have our favourites. For us, it’s all about the penguins. Waddling around in their little tuxedos at the Penguin Beach (the largest in Europe) is just perfection.

And then you have the sloths, tigers (with 3 new cubs!), armadillos, giant anteaters, lemurs, gorillas, meerkats, otters, llamas, flamingos, pelicans, squirrel monkeys (who will steal stuff from your bag), komodo dragons, pgymy hippos, and the gorgeous pangolins. Aaaaaaand breathe. That’s just our must see list.

Tip of the day: London Zoo has a huge list of really cool experiences if you want to make it an extra special visit. Be a zookeeper for a day, have a feeding session with the penguins, stay overnight in cabins in the lion enclosure, see the animals in the summer evenings after hours - there’s plenty to do.


Visit Us

Regent's Park, Outer Circle
London NW1 4RY

Everyday 10am-4pm